The most common questions We can encounter clients is that they want to know what their

MBTI type is but in communicating and being with other people they’re interested in knowing

what the other person’s MBTI type is, that way it aids them in the discovery of types and it’s knowledge.

What are MBTI Preferences?

Every person has some preferences over others it’s very difficult to predict the order in which they’re going to used it developed and most exploited,

It would tend to be in order is most likely to person every time our first function is called the dominant function

this would be the middle two preferences sensing intuition thinking and feeling and they referred to as functions

for each type one of these forward functions takes the theme most preferred dominant function.

No organization can operate very well interaction of the company without their assistants,

same in personality you keep assistant without so the effects of this is that people use their dominant function their

most favorite so that is if you are more energized by the external Instagram

but that’s where you’re going to use your dominant group ship if you’re more energized

by that internal world introvert that’s where you are going to use your doctor’s action.


so that means that extraverts are going to their function and extroverted grow introverts appointees

their dominant function in interpreting you’re going to see their dominant function introvert

it is the exact you would not see what they used the most because they keep it quiet

it uses super 8 functions is the secondary function it is and supports the dominant function,

so let’s go back to the idea of an organization every organization needs two things to be effective information.

The same is true for personality options in information to make decisions.

There are ways to tell what type other people are and you can identify them through some conversational cues.

Extroverted and Introverted:

An extrovert is somebody Very cool who’s going to use rapid speech they like to talk things out verbally

they almost seem to be thinking aloud all the time they may often interrupt even when the middle of somebody else is thought,

and they tend to use louder voices remember that extraverts like to be the center of attention

they are verbal processors in contrast to the introverts who like to pause they need quiet and many times when conversing

with an introvert, you’ll find that it’s helpful as an extravert to make a comment and count to maybe 123 before you start again

that allows an introvert to process momentarily and respond an introvert also tends to use a quieter voices volume,

and they are very quick to make their points than you shorter sentences.


You’re sensing preference looks for specifics they want step by step information,

or instructions or details or directions they most commonly are going to ask what something is and how something is or

How to do something they want precision in everything they will be a person who might come back you 15 times and

say I don’t understand this it’s very vague to me will you tell me more about

why because they want all those details they want things to be perfect by understanding

those details, in contrast, you have a more whole picture of an intuitive type this is someone wants the purpose

they want to see the big picture they want all the possibilities and the most question that they’re going to ask

most often is going to be why does this exists why do I need to know is why am I going to learn it

why am I going to use it and they tend to talk more in generalities they don’t care as much about those specifics.

Thinking and Feeling:

Between Thinking and feeling, there is spectrum and logic and people,

so we look at those that are on the thinking preference probably get those logical implications

there always testing themselves they’re testing your knowledge

they want objectivity they want facts they want figures they want evidence and

the unimpressed when a majority says this is what I’m going to do they don’t care

so much what the majority is going to say they instead want to know what the truth is that

they want the facts, and their conversations generally have a pattern, and it’s an if-then pattern that happens

then the consequences will be that right impact on people is for the feeling types remember


their foundation of life needs to be built upon harmony is what everything is about for them

they’re going to work about harmony for themselves harmony for other people harmony in

the harmony of their relationship between their decisions, and what they value

they want to know how other people act and what they have done, and it matters to them

other people think and what they may have done in a similar situation looked at judging and proceeding

we’re looking about how they deal with that outer world right.

 Judging and Perceiving:

When a Person likes the closure they have a preference for it,

they get joy out of it when they make a decision it’s a euphoric feeling to them in contrast the perceiver has

that great joy through the process they want to collect as much information as they can and their endorphins rise

as they are gathering as much information as they can so when we talk about the judging preference

these are people that are very impatient with long descriptions and procedures,

and sometimes you get the feeling that they’re trying to work too quickly,

or they want you just stop creating and make a decision because of this,

they tend to decide prematurely on some topics this is because they enjoy closure there closure oriented in contrast your perceivers are processing oriented

so it seems like someone wants more space to think things through or maybe

they’ll say it let’s explore this or what other options are there what can we consider this is somebody

who is perceiving because they’re interested in gathering as much information as possible and

because they feel like they never have quite enough conversation,

and they never have enough information they’re going together with it everywhere they can,

and then they may decide at the very last moment what is the most important as you’re communicating with other people.